Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sebastian (or I hope I remembered his name right!!!)

         I was sitting at the park Plane Spotting, trying to get an image with the new Sigma 100-440(way cool zoom), when Sebastian came tumbling out his peoples truck and Barked and Waved his hello to me. All he wanted to do was run around and play ball. He sure is a good looking guy, though I am not sure what he is!

        It turns out his people were going to the local Brewery for a tour and a taste and wanted that furry bundle to run a bit before hand.

         Now this dogs one smart cookie. When his man threw the ball too far, this great furry beast started to to go after it. But stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to his guy with a WTF look in his eye!

         Well, I am still new to this lens and trying to understand its ways. These images could be better(Sharper). If you wanna set up a time for a more formal shoot, let me know!


Sunday, December 24, 2017

A wonderful thing happened to me Yesterday!

First a little back story:

I was going through some of my parents things with the Runtyun and she found this old Photo of my Grandparents, her Great-grandparents. It was taken at a retreat they went to for summer vacation. This was when even working class families could afford a week off in the summer for vacation in an “exotic” place. In this case, they went to Stinson Lake, in New Hampshire(Google: Stinson Lake, Rumney, NH).

I am sure that other pictures are around which show My Grandparents, but we found this one and I decided to see what I could do for it. I was able to produce a digital image and with the help of Photoshop, I cleaned it up a little.

About that time, my Mother had to go to the hospital and eventually we have made arrangements for her to stay at the VA Rehab Center in Black Mountain until we can bring her home. Of course Christmas is coming, so a light went off in my dim little brain; A present from the family for my mother.

I have been doing business with Brandy at Frame It:, for a bit and really like her work. While I can take a pretty decent image, I have no real artistic ability. I can walk in and show her a photo I want framed, or matted and she makes my picture look even better.

This is the original photo.

Then I reshot it and played a little in PS.
          Aw the magic of digital photos. I was able to get rid of that crease in the upper left and increase the contrast a little.

And this is what Brandy did for me. 

Not only did her matting and choice of frame enhance the image, but her price is really reasonable!

Finally, because I know everyone out there really wants to know what my studio looks like:  
