Sunday, February 11, 2018

Week 2 of the 365 Challenge

        Here are my second week's pictures. This week I only have 6 images because I started taking them on Monday and from here on out I will start each week on Sunday. I will also post for the past week on Sunday. Now, that we have that stuff taken care of, let's have a look at what we got!

This is an acrylic or glass frog that I am trying to document for the Family Photo Catalog. As you may see it is a rather difficult subject and I spent 3 nights working on getting the best possible image for this post and the Catalog.

Here is Tuesday's version.

This image was a lot of fun to create. At first I was going to take an image of the whole top-shelf with a candle and a picture in the background. Then however, I looked t it and thought maybe a little cropping would be beneficial. Also, my ultra smart sister pointed out the way the shadows dance around the figures were nice.

I was walking around Beaver like on Thursday and found NO inspiration, no birds and no plants. Then I came upon this hollowed nut casing on a bench. Immediately in my my head I pictured a squirrel setting on its hunches, tail floating with the wind, nibbling at the nut, and cursed my timing. As I got closer, this image started to form in my mind's eye.

Friday proved to be a bit of a challenge for me. I ended up working a whole bunch of hours and did not get home until well after 9 P.M. I almost decided to forgo taking a picture, but felt that would be a bad precedent so early in the Project. Then my camera got funny and would not take any pictures at all. Finally, I got everything straight and Mercury allowed my this one.

Finally we come to Saturday and the last in the series of frogs. I was stumped finding a way to light up the inside of the frog until I put an LED light under it. Then I found a glass butter dispenser. On top of dispenser, I put a piece of translucent white cloth. Voila'! Here it is.

Please make a comment----Start a trend! I really value any constructive commends.

Thanks for having a look!


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