Sunday, March 11, 2018

Week #6 Picture-a-Day Project

I had a choice between this image and one of my Mother and Father. I think I'll make a separate post for that picture. Now about this one---Can you see the biggest flaw with it? Leave a comment letting me know what you see.

Sometimes even the most common bird can make a pretty Picture. 

This is the same Cross I have been trying to get a good image of. I like the way the gold reflects on the white background. What do you think?

I worked on this image for a bit trying to pull out some details in PS. Truth is, I was getting bored and did not want to wait until sunset, mostly because I did not have a tripod for the long exposure. I think I did a pretty good job, though.

It is becoming a thing, every week I seem to miss a day of photos. This is this weeks missed image. Maybe I'll have to keep track of just how many days I miss during the Project and extend the end to to include the missed days.

Boring, Huh?

However, the next day I pulled out my venerable 5D while I was at Owen Park and got this image right around sunset. Again this one is hand held, so I could not use a very slow shutter speed, but it came out alright though.

Whenever in doubt, I can almost always get one of the great hunter.

Here it is---this weeks' submission to the Picture-a-Day. I hope you enjoyed it!

Three missed days.



  1. Nice shot of the Great Hunter!

  2. Thanks! He was just sitting there waiting for something to happen. I really like the new Sigma 100-400, when I took that picture, I was about 30 feet away.


Whadduya'think. Please leave a comment about my picture or description