Saturday, July 25, 2015

A rose in early fall

A little cool rose during the dodges of summer.


The Moon

What do you think about the framing with the branch?


More in the beer bottle cap series

What ya' think?


Fall is here

I took this au-natural. I did not move anything, not did I create the natural frame.

There was this contest whose theme was the season called Fall. The critique was that it could not be the way nature created it. The leaf placement was too perfect. O well. I know how the shot worked. It is nice and here it is for your enjoyment.


Monday, July 20, 2015

Opposing Brides Maids

I had the privilege to be a second shooter at an impromptu shoot, the first shooter bailed.  only had  my 18-55mm lens so I could only go close.

I wonder what each of these ladies is thinking.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

My passions finally realized

So I am beginning to realize that I may have some little skill with my camera, and I have always loved beer. Well guess what? I can combine the two! I love technology!

Turtles at Beaver Lake

I had a few moments between jobs.

What do you think?


Mother's Day

So, this is a bit of a story... Mom is 91 this year and needs nothing but a smile. I love her but was challenged to find a present she would like. So I decided to get these cats, mother and child. Part of the idea was to get an image that really shows off it's beauty. I will matt and frame it for her to display.

Money and......?

I think it says it all. What do you think?


Grove arcade on the 5th of July

Truly, this is a typical scene at any mall. But I to this one the day after we celebrated our counties' independence. If you look at the toddler reaching out to the flag, yet it is totally enshrouded in her  mommies backpack.

Dogs on the 5th of July

I had this really great lens for a shoot. Really, I had to rent the thing from my peeps at Ball Photo and supply. I wanted to use it a lot. Sunday was beautiful and I had time to walk around Downtown AVL. After a minute, I decided to focus on the dogs I saw. The lens was a 24-70mm 2.8. I have used this thing a few times and really love it. It makes me look goo. Kinda like I know what I am doing!
This guy was just being thee while his person made money. I thought the eyes were most powerful.

When I was younger, we had an Italian Greyhound. They are great dogs with fantastic personalities. These two were prancing around with their people and I could not let this opportunity go by.

My editorial note here. 

People are kinda funny. During my brief foray in dog photog I found 3 distinct dog owners. The first was  the street entertainer with his dog as a kinda of prop. They ignore the dog unless it needs something, and go on with their crowd pleasing show.

While the people who had the Italian Greyhounds were simply being tourists who had dogs as companions. They were nice and very into the moment. I wonder if they learned that from their four legged friends.

The third kind just seemed to be annoyed that any one would possibly be looking at them. They would look up at me and realize what I was doing then ignore me. I have a couple pictures of them, but are not posted here for various reasons.

3 Amigos

Not sure what to say here. This was taken on the 4th before fireworks.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bike night at the local Harley dealer

I went over to see what was up and a free hamburger or two. These guys, The Dirty Soul Review were playing, Great guys! They have a Fantastic sound. Their bass player lives his music, The lead singer in tattooed and has a penetrating voice, while the drummer Plays them like they are a part of her SOUL. They had a sax player who added depth to their sound.
