Saturday, March 25, 2017

A moment for the evening

Sometimes a totally random encounter can change everything that goes through your mind. Or, at least one’s perception of it.

This takes a minute, so please read on a bit and maybe you will see the cathartic nature of this post.
Today was kinda interesting. I had a really rough night’s sleep last night. Lately, I have been sleeping OK. Lately, I have been sleeping through the night, as opposed to waking at least once to go pee, or just lie there wondering why I can’t sleep. But last night was different. I kept waking up and not easily going back to the bliss of sleep. 
I think my inability to sleep may have had something to do with the upcoming portrait shoot I had scheduled. I was worried that I could not perform in a satisfactory way and let down the talent and me.

The shoot went well, but I felt there was no direction, or meaning to what we were doing. The talent did not really know what he wanted, or where he was going. So, I did the best I could. Maybe I’ll put some of his pics here, I don't know.
I stopped at a local place I go to when I have finished a shoot. It is kind of a way of closure, like a dog shaking off its’ latest bath. But, that did not clear my head today. So, I went home and had dinner. It was good, but I still had a dark thunder cloud over my head.
About that time, I looked outside and saw that there may be a nice sunset lining up. I have been trying to get a decent shot of the Cathedral at All Souls for a New York Minute. Father's Day is coming up and I want a really great shot for Dad, and this might have been the very moment for it.
I finally got to the site and fiddled with settings on the camera so I could get the Sky into a good exposure, but still have some really good detail on the building. I think I did a pretty good at it and will post the best ones a little later. I walked around the building to see if there was any other angles that could make the cut. Maybe I found some, we will see.
As I was walking around the building I came back to the entrance and saw the columns of the front porch and thought maybe I could do something with perceptive and light. 
I dunno, but these are the thinks that go through my underexposed brain. 
I started to line up the shot and saw a shadow walking in the distance. “Hmm, maybe I can get an interesting shot with a silhouette to give some depth.”
Well, here it is. I don’t really care if you like it or not, I’ll put a print on my wall, even though it is not sharp or balanced. It works for me.
So, there is my attitude—Deal with it-All of you!

On the bright side, I spoke with this person for a moment whose silhouette you see here. We shared a couple close memories, she had a nice smile, even though it only came out briefly. I was done at the Cathedral and headed home. But when I looked in the car rear view mirror for a turn, I saw a slight smile. There was a song on the radio, a happy song and my smile got even bigger. I felt my shoulders relax and my whole outlook changed.
I am not sure what happened, but here is the picture that started the metamorphosis.  

Please don't worry mystery woman, we cannot see your face very clearly, though I think I could capture your beauty with only a little thought.


Wanna get this out there fast---there will be more

Sometimes something so unexpected comes along and changes the whole days(Day's) perception. This shot is one of those times.