Thursday, October 9, 2014

So, the set of 3 extensions has 3 different lengths, a 13mm, 21mm and 31mm They do stuff to make the image bigger, or they allow me to put the subject closer to the lens for more detailed resolution. I spent all night on my birthday taking pictures of a cute bear candle using various lenses and F-stops and shutter speeds. Being methodical, I shot with my 50mm lens, then the 18-55 at three different mm. 18mm, 35mm and 55m. Finally, I used the 55mm-250mm at 55mm, 130mm and 250mm. With all three lenses I started at the largest aperture, or opening and stopped down to the smallest. By doing this I was working with delta of field, or the range in which the subject was in focus. In some cases, only a portion of the bear’s face was in focus, while in others the whole bear was not only in view but in focus.

In the background, I put some Christmas tree lights to see how the different apertures received the light, thus affecting the shape of the representation of the bulbs. It turns out that the narrower the Depth of Field was, the more depth of field was revealed in the xmas lights. The aperture also affected the shape of the bulb, sometimes it was perfectly round, while other times the bulbs were six sided. All of these things were expected, I just wanted to do the experiment and prove it for myself. Some of the pictures are really nice, though the biggest lesson I learned was that in order to use the long lens, I’ll need to get much further way from my subject than my kitchen table allows.

So feast your eyes on the pictures and let me know what yo think!


BTW, I did no Post Production on any of the images.

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