Monday, August 15, 2016

Sometimes you meet the nicest people

So shit has been piling up lately, and I have not been able to do much but work and try and get that room going. Needless to say, I have not been able to get out and ride much, one of my fall back stress relievers. However, I have been playing around with the camera in my make shift studio. I will get some more of those shots up soon---in my abundant free time, lol!

At any rate, I decided to shake it all up and go onto the the Blueridge Parkway for some sunset shots last Saturday night. I threw my camera and stuff into a bag and the Grinner was growling away impatiently waiting for more gas.

We rumbled to the Parkway and found a nice turnout. About that time, the Earth had reached its point of just before disappearing below the horizon for another long and dark night's sleep.

Anyhow, at the turnout someone saw that I was posing the bike and offered to take a picture for me. I am ugly and worry the lenz will crack if I get in any shots. I returned the offer and asked her if she would my grace my camera with a picture. She said yes! Can you imagine that?

I hope she sees this image and likes it. It would be nice to spend a minute taking some portraits of her. Some people just have a natural beauty that starts within and glows on their skin.

And you can meet the nicest people when all you really want to do is take a few pictures.

Imagine that, "You can meet the nicest people," while riding a motorcycle and I was not even on a

Enjoy the night every one! olc

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