Sunday, December 6, 2015

A Negative question

So I brought out one of my old film cameras. I want to have a back up camera incase my main goes south on me. I can't get another digital camera right now, so we go to  film.

I took the Canon TX

out and shot a roll to see how it looks. Well, let me just say that shooting with film is much different than digital. Mostly you don't machine gun pictures. One thinks about each shutter snap taken; exposure, composition, aperture, things as simple as winding after each shutter actuation and especially lighting. Not only does it cost more to print a film image, the time it takes to see what I have done is soooo much longer, think using the whole roll of film before taking it to a darkroom, then the actual time it takes for them to do the work. Then you gotta go back to the shop and pick it up! One cannot even see  it on the back of the camera. (Such a 1st-world problem!)

I hope that my ability to take a better photograph will be enhanced because of all the consideration I take when shooting with this old fashioned tech. At any rate, I am enjoying the thought process involved.

When I shot the first roll, I was lucky and got a shot of a rail road that came out pretty nicely, but it is on a negative, so I cannot do anything with it right now. I asked one of my local photo store dealers to transfer it to a usb. He suggested I just do it myself. I thought I could use my computer screen as a light box and it would all be cool!

But that experiment is for another posting.


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