Sunday, February 25, 2018

A little fun with time-laps Photography

Someplace I read something about how light changes during sunrise and sunset. The take away from the article was to set up my camera about a half hour before sun set and take a picture every minute to document the change.

I have tried this a few times and refined my technique.

For the camera geeks out there, the first time I tried this I used a very high ISO and Automatic White Balance. Also, I was on a dock floating on water which was moving due to rough water conditions. and this means that during longer exposures the subjects would not be sharp. So, in the middle of the actual picture taking I had to move to solid ground.
Also, some people wanted to get onto the dock and when the shutter speed got too slow their images were blurred.

Last night, I went to an overlook on the Blueridge Parkway and spent some time looking down at Haw Creek.

This time I used a lower ISO and Shot using a Color Temperature of 5200K.

Each video is a bout 3 minutes or so. The beginning may be a little boring, but try and tough it out, because as the last 25 slides come long the colors begin to pull some really nice images.

Let me know what you think!


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