Sunday, April 1, 2018

Week # 9 Picture-a-Day Project

 We have a couple of bird feeders in the back yard and I try to get out there and a daily basis. Unfortunately, my presence disturbs some of the feeding birds. They seem to be getting used to me, but these two doves were not going to have anything to do with it while I was outside on Monday.

More of the lighting learning project. This time I positioned the light in one place, about 95 degrees to the left of the sphere. This image the light was 62 inches high. 

52 inches high

42 inches.

and finally, table height. 
I guess we are supposed to notice how the shadows change in relation to the light.

 White Breasted White Nuthatch-female.

 These violets are an experiment in Depth of Field and focusing. I used my Sigma 100mm-400mm zoom lens at the widest aperture. Notice how the violets in the background are nicely out of focus giving a sense of depth.

 I did not capture any images this day. Instead I re-edited the one. The truth is, I had just received my new printer and had to try and set it up. I printed this image and it came out great!

I went the Mountain Car Show yesterday. As far as the show goes, they have had better in past years. That is all I have to say about that.
At any rate, I was fooling around with on-camera ETTL flash when it misfired. Some may say this a throw away, but I kinda like the abstract nature. What do you think?

Well, there it is---another week in the project!

Let me know what you think!!!


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